Senior UX Professional
Pernille has an insatiable appetite for learning, and is always ahead of the mainstream. She has a black belt in process facilitation, and a huge toolbox and expertise of diverse methodologies within innovation, leadership, organisational development, psychology, coaching and astrology. On top of that, Pernille has a remarkable intuition about her clients, and an uncanny ability to articulate the core of a challenge or situation, which allows her to provide her clients with customised and specific guidance to their challenges and goals.
Founder & CEO
In late 2019 we consulted Pernille for advice on our general strategic situation and with some specific, important business decisions in mind. The advice and input we received from Pernille was very different from many other business advisers, we have consulted, as it was based on our company horoscope rather than strategic models and frameworks.
We were taken by the hand from the very beginning and guided into a universe of insight, dialogue, and professional guidance. Pernille was able to pinpoint some specific barriers to our company’s success and as a direct consequence of the consultation with Pernille, we have been able to outline a strategic path, that is more clear and more refined than ever before. We have cleared away the barriers and are now seemingly on a the right path and communicate from a more honest and clear place.
School Principal
The way Pernille combined the horoscope with tools of leadership assessment was very useful. Moreover, she was never afraid of bringing experiences from her own life as a leadership counsellor to the table which made the conversations with her very honest and helpful. It feels like calling a really wise friend. To use the horoscope in a psychological manner for personal growth and as a way of locating problem areas, blind spots and new possibilities is not a bad idea at all!
Creative Designer
From the very first moment, I met Pernille, I felt recognized and seen. She has a very special charisma, that invites you in and makes you feel at ease. Her ability to listen and guide you is perfectly balanced. After our first consultation, I rushed out the door bursting with renewed energy and confidence, and to this day I revisit her words of wisdom, whenever I need to.
CEO: Önling
Pernille er en fremragende og empatisk ledelsesrådgiver, som formår at integrere mange forskellige værktøjer i sit arbejde. Vi kan på det varmeste anbefale et Virksomhedshoroskop med Pernille. Hvis du går til sessionen med åbent hjerte og sind, får du stensikkert brugbare og værdifulde råd, som du både kan bruge personligt og professionelt.
Sessionen gav mig en dybere indsigt i og forståelse for mig selv. Jeg skriftede perspektiv fra at fokusere på en følelse af inkompetence til at acceptere, at kernen i mine udfordringer handlede om mine værdier og min identitet. Efterfølgende har jeg truffet et meget bevidst valg om et karriereskifte til et job, som i langt højere grad giver mig mulighed for at være tro mod mig selv og mine værdier - og bruge det til at opnå konkrete resultater for organisationen. Jeg kan på det varmeste anbefale andre ledere en session med Pernille - for eksempel hvis de overvejer et karriereskifte.